Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What Is a placebo

What Is a placebo A placebo is a procedure or substance with no inherent medicinal value. Placebos are often used in statistical experiments, especially those involving pharmaceutical testing, in order to control the experiment as much as possible. We will examine the structure of experiments and see the reasons for using a placebo. Experiments Experiments typically involve two different groups: an experimental group and a control group. The members of the control group do not receive the experimental treatment and the experimental group does. In this way, we are able to compare the responses of members in both groups. Any differences that we observe in the two groups may be due to the experimental treatment. But how can we be sure? How do we really know if an observed difference in a response variable is the result of an experimental treatment? These questions address the presence of lurking variables. These kinds of variables influence the response variable but are often hidden. When dealing with experiments involving human subjects we should always be on the lookout for lurking variables. A careful design of our experiment will limit the effects of lurking variables. Placebos are one way to do this. Use of Placebos Humans can be difficult to work with as subjects for an experiment. The knowledge that one is a subject of an experiment and a member of a control group can affect certain responses. The act of receiving a medication from a doctor or nurse has a powerful psychological effect on some individuals. When someone thinks they are being given something that will produce a certain response, sometimes they will exhibit this response. Because of this, sometimes doctors will prescribe placeboes with therapeutic intent, and they can be effective treatments for some issues.   To mitigate any psychological effects of the subjects, a placebo can be given to the members of the control group. In this way, every subject of the experiment, in both the control and experimental groups, will have a similar experience of receiving what they think is medication from a health professional. This also has the added benefit of not revealing to the subject if he or she is in the experimental or control group. Types of Placebos A placebo is designed to be as close to the means of administration of the experimental treatment as possible. Thus placebos can take on a variety of forms. In the testing of a new pharmaceutical drug, a placebo might be a capsule with an inert substance. This substance would be chosen to have no medicinal value and is sometimes referred to as a sugar pill. It is important that the placebo mimic the experimental treatment as closely as possible. This controls the experiment by providing a common experience for everyone, no matter which group they are in. If a surgical procedure is the treatment for the experimental group, then a placebo for the members of the control group could take the form of a faked surgery. The subject would go through all of the preparation and believe that he or she was operated on, without the surgical procedure actually being performed.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Difference Between Good and Bad Writing

The Difference Between Good and Bad Writing Here are 10 writers and editors, ranging from Cicero to Stephen King, offering their thoughts on the differences between good writers and bad writers. 1. Dont Expect It to Be Easy You know what, it is so funny. A good writer will always find it very hard to fill a single page. A bad writer will always find it easy. (Aubrey Kalitera, Why Father Why, 1983) 2. Master the Fundamentals I am approaching the heart of this book with two theses, both simple. The first is that good writing consists of mastering the fundamentals (vocabulary, grammar, the elements of style) and then filling the third level of your toolbox with the right instruments. The second is that while it is impossible to make a competent writer out of a bad writer, and while it is equally impossible to make a great writer out of a good one, it is possible, with lots of hard work, dedication, and timely help, to make a good writer out of a merely competent one. (Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, 2000) 3. Say What You Think A bad writer is a writer who always says more than he thinks. A good writerand here we must be careful if we wish to arrive at any real insightis a writer who does not say more than he thinks. (Walter Benjamin, journal entry, Selected Writings: Volume 3, 1935-1938) 4. Reach for the Best Word It is the misuse and overuse of vogue words that the good writer must guard against. . . . It is extraordinary how often you will find vogue words accompanied in the same sentence by pretentiousness or sloppiness or other signs of sickness. No motorist is to be blamed for sounding his horn. But if he sounds it repeatedly we are not only offended by the noise; we suspect him of being a bad driver in other respects too. (Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words, revised by Sidney Greenbaum and Janet Whitcut, 2002) 5. Order Your Words The difference between a good and a bad writer is shown by the order of his words as much as by the selection of them. (Marcus Tullius Cicero, The Oration for Plancius, 54 B.C.) 6. Attend to the Details There are bad writers who are exact in grammar, vocabulary, and syntax, sinning only through their insensitivity to tone. Often they are among the worst writers of all. But on the whole, it can be said that bad writing goes to the roots: It has already gone wrong beneath its own earth. Since much of the language is metaphorical in origin, a bad writer will scramble metaphors in a single phrase, often in a single word... Competent writers always examine what they have put down. Better-than-competent writers- good writers- examine their effects before they put them down: They think that way all the time. Bad writers never examine anything. Their inattentiveness to the detail of their prose is part and parcel of their inattentiveness to the detail of the outside world. (Clive James, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Lessons on How to Write. Cultural Amnesia, 2007) 7. Dont Fake It In the course of a fairly long work, there are bound to be impasses. The writer must backtrack and choose other alternatives, observe more, and sometimes have bad headaches till he  invents something. Here lies the distinction between a good writer and a bad writer. A good writer does not fake it and try to make it appear, to himself or the reader, that there is a coherent and probable whole when there isnt. If the writer is on the right track, however, things fall serendipitously into place; his sentences prove to have more meaning and formative power that he expected; he has new insights; and the book writes itself. (Paul Goodman, Apology for Literature. Commentary, July 1971) 8. Know When to Quit Everyone who writes strives for the same thing. To say it swiftly, clearly, to say the hard thing that way, using few words. Not to gum up the paragraph. To know when to quit when youve done. And not to have hangovers of other ideas sifting in unnoticed. Good writing is precisely like good dressing. Bad writing is like a badly dressed woman- improper emphasis, badly chosen colors. (William Carlos Williams, review of Sol Funaroffs The Spider and the Clock, in New Masses, August 16, 1938) 9. Lean on Editors The less competent the writer, the louder his protests over the editing. . . . Good writers lean on editors; they would not think of publishing something that no editor had read. Bad writers talk about the inviolable rhythm of their prose. (Gardner Bots ford, A Life of Privilege, Mostly, 2003) 10. Dare to Be Bad And so, in order to be a good writer, I have to be willing to be a bad writer. I have to be willing to let my thoughts and images be as contradictory as the evening firing its fireworks outside my window. In other words, let it all in- every little detail that catches your fancy. You can sort it out later- if it needs any sorting. (Julia Cameron, The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation Into the Writing Life, 2000) And finally, heres a cheerless note to good writers from English novelist and essayist Zadie Smith: Resign yourself to the lifelong sadness that comes from never  ­being satisfied.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recruitment and retention plan for entry level officers Research Paper

Recruitment and retention plan for entry level officers - Research Paper Example Recruitment means evaluating the psychological profile, mental ability and physical conditioning of a candidate. Once an applicant is selected, they undergo training and further evaluation to assure the capacity to perform up to rigorous standards of duty. Important to the process is a retention element. Keeping good employees saves the effort to find new ones. In conclusion, the recruitment process must be vigorous and detailed in order to attract, train and keep the best candidates for these vital and potentially dangerous positions of public trust. Recruitment Plan: Police Department Service The police service is looked upon as the source of a highly important helpful activity- the protection of life and liberty. Thus, a successful recruitment plan must overcome any recruit’s perceived career limitations with the following incentives: a purposeful job, a stimulating set of responsibilities, a collegial working environment, reasonable pay and benefits, opportunities for care er advancement, and job security. (Bailey, 1995, p. 513) The key to a successful recruitment plan is to attract the most qualified candidates.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

First paper- about Mr.Sir. Second paper- about Stanley Yelnats. Last Essay

First paper- about Mr.Sir. Second paper- about Stanley Yelnats. Last two paper summery of the book HOLES' - Essay Example It can be said that he is selfish man as once after a nine hour cross-desert journey he didn’t offer the driver anything to drink while drinking water in full view of Stanley. He is always carrying a gun so that he doesn’t miss a chance to gun-down the yellow spotted poisonous lizards. He keeps reminding the boys that Camp Green Lake is not a ‘Girl Scout Camp’; this is a type of catchword used by him. Mr. Stanley Yelnats: He is the focalcharacter of the novel. Stanley is a fifteen years old overweight boy who doesn’t have any friends at school and is always intimidated by his classmates. His family was cursed by a gypsy named Madame Zeroni after which the Yelnats had a history of bad-luck. Stanley believes that it is because of this curse he ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though his family is poor they always look at the brighter side of life and remain optimistic. Stanley is sent to the juvenile detentioncenter as he was accused of stealing a pair of shoes.The warden of the detention center believes that digging holes in the hardened soil will help build the character of the boys at the camp therefore the boys at the camp spend the whole day digging five feet deep holes in the hardened earth. ... The power of their bond of friendship benefits Stanley to develop the characteristics of courage, contentment, self-assurance and physical strength. SUMMARY Stanley was being sent to Camp Green Lake, adry place in Texas where young boys were penalized for character building, after being wrongly accused of stealing shoes belonging to a baseball player. His family has a history of bad-luck because of an old curse originating from his fore-fathers. Stanley believes that as a result of the curse he faced the misfortune of being accused which resulted in him being sent to the juvenile detention and correction facility for behavioral adjustment. However unlike the name, there is no lake there and the boys spend each day digging five foot deep holes in the sunbaked, hardened and dried lakebed. The warden at the camp believes that this would help the boys build their character however the ulterior motive behind this was to find the hidden treasure belonging to the legendary Kissin’ Ka te Barlow. While digging one of the holes Stanley finds a golden lipstick with the mark K.B etched on it however as Stanley doesn’t know anything about the treasure he gives the tube to another boy to give it back to the Warden. Seeing the lipstick tube the warden asks the boys to dig desperately in the area where she assumes the item was found whereas only Stanley knows where he found it. At the camp Stanley befriends the least popular boy named Zero (Hector Zeroni). One day Zero confesses to Stanley that he is uneducated and it was because of his fault that Stanley is imprisoned. After hearing this he decides to teach him but on a condition that Zero has to help him in digging the holes. Their friendship upsets the other boys at the camp and this result in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nations Essay Example for Free

Nations Essay The debate over a national bank raged on for many years. These two selections illustrate the raging debate between two of the nation’s most vocal politicians. They illuminate a common theme throughout American history, namely the debate surrounding the strength of the federal government. To be sure, the focus is on the creation of a national debate, but the underlying debate about federalism underlies much of early American history. Thomas Jefferson’s states rights approach to government could not be more evident in this selection. Jefferson expresses concerns about affording too many powers to the national government. Per Jefferson’s usual rhetoric, he makes the threat of a totalitarian regime seem almost guaranteed. Jefferson cites the Constitution to show that those duties not specifically given to the federal government ought to be given to the states. Hamilton takes the contrary view. He suggests that all powers not given to the states should logically fall back to the national government. Alexander Hamilton was a staunch supporter of a strong national government and his quest for a national bank is perhaps the apex of his political leanings. Hamilton concludes that interpreting the Constitution liberally allows for service of the public good. These documents combine to underscore the fiery passions of the men deciding the course of the nation. To this day, the debates over the federal government’s powers rage on. Now we see debates about the re-regulation or de-regulation of industry, the ability of the federal government to legislate on a variety of social issues, and the role of legal preemption. Some debates never die down, they simply change form. In these pieces we also see the formation of a clear political ideology that will characterize political debates between the nation’s two major political parties: Democrats and Republicans. States rights and federal powers underlie much of the current political debates seen in the papers and on television. Jefferson is taking what would now be characterized as a Republican position, supporting less federal involvement in favor of giving states the right to decide their own policies. The formation of the Republican Party began years ago with debates much like this. The Democratic Party prizes a strong national government that looks out for the citizenry. Alexandria Hamilton cites the popular Democratic mantra of â€Å"public benefits. † One can see this rhetoric in debates over national health care policies and education policy. To think, early on these issues defined a nation and were not afterthoughts in larger partisan battles. This is perhaps where Jefferson was correct. He may have been quick to jump to conclusions about tyranny, but it may have been that bombastic rhetoric that kept society cognizant of what was at stake. The historical record is replete with a deeper understanding of issues that is so often lost in today’s world of sound bites, press conferences, and blogs. Jefferson and Hamilton’s speeches illustrate just how important the basic concept of life, liberty, and justice were. They also illustrate how these ideas are forgotten in today’s debates. Jefferson and Hamilton represent two opposing forces in American history. The debate over a national bank was the focal point of this debate for some time. The national bank debate represents a window into the past that can illuminate the present. Federalism is still a significant concern today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Cruel and Bitter Miss Havisham in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Charles Dickens

The Cruel and Bitter Miss Havisham in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens At one point in the novel, Dickens tells the reader that Miss. Havisham was a wonderful, beautiful woman and is considered to be a great match. In contrast, when the reader first meets her she is a frightful old woman who cares about nothing but herself. She is determined to live her life in self-pity and seek revenge on all men. In the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Miss Havisham is established as a cruel and bitter old woman trapped in the past, nearly a century ago, when she was abandoned on her wedding day, and is now raising an adopted daughter to seek revenge on all men by breaking their hearts however, near the end of the novel when she converses with Pip about his love for her daughter over the years, it is evident to her after that she has made a dreadful mistake and changes most drastically before she dies. "I had heard of Miss Havisham up town-everybody for miles round had heard of Miss Havisham up town as an immensely rich and grim lady who lived in a large and dismal house barricaded against robbers and led a life of seclusion." Even before meeting Miss. Havisham the reader is introduced to her and has an idea of what she is all about. Anyone who lives secluded from society for years is going to be considered eccentric. The town perceptibly gossips about her since everyone has heard of her. The first time Dickens has the reader meet Miss. Havisham is through Pip. The young boy is told to go visit her and play and as he sees the house he describes it in bleak detail. As he is led to Miss. Havisham through the dark halls by her daughter, Estella, the tone of the house is set. There are cobwebs, antique furniture, and clocks all stopped at twenty minutes to nine. Finally Miss. Havisham is introduced. She is seen in her once white, now yellow, wedding dress. All of this description, the old house, the clocks, the wedding dress, explains how Miss. Havisham was left on her wedding day many years ago and that was when her life stopped. She even says as Pip is leaving, "There, there! I know nothing of days of the week; I know nothing of weeks of the year. Come again after six days. You hear?" Dickens creates the house and Miss. Havisham as a unity. The condition and aspect of the house shows the gloom in her mind. The way the house is dark is just fuel for her desire to seek The Cruel and Bitter Miss Havisham in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Charles Dickens The Cruel and Bitter Miss Havisham in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens At one point in the novel, Dickens tells the reader that Miss. Havisham was a wonderful, beautiful woman and is considered to be a great match. In contrast, when the reader first meets her she is a frightful old woman who cares about nothing but herself. She is determined to live her life in self-pity and seek revenge on all men. In the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Miss Havisham is established as a cruel and bitter old woman trapped in the past, nearly a century ago, when she was abandoned on her wedding day, and is now raising an adopted daughter to seek revenge on all men by breaking their hearts however, near the end of the novel when she converses with Pip about his love for her daughter over the years, it is evident to her after that she has made a dreadful mistake and changes most drastically before she dies. "I had heard of Miss Havisham up town-everybody for miles round had heard of Miss Havisham up town as an immensely rich and grim lady who lived in a large and dismal house barricaded against robbers and led a life of seclusion." Even before meeting Miss. Havisham the reader is introduced to her and has an idea of what she is all about. Anyone who lives secluded from society for years is going to be considered eccentric. The town perceptibly gossips about her since everyone has heard of her. The first time Dickens has the reader meet Miss. Havisham is through Pip. The young boy is told to go visit her and play and as he sees the house he describes it in bleak detail. As he is led to Miss. Havisham through the dark halls by her daughter, Estella, the tone of the house is set. There are cobwebs, antique furniture, and clocks all stopped at twenty minutes to nine. Finally Miss. Havisham is introduced. She is seen in her once white, now yellow, wedding dress. All of this description, the old house, the clocks, the wedding dress, explains how Miss. Havisham was left on her wedding day many years ago and that was when her life stopped. She even says as Pip is leaving, "There, there! I know nothing of days of the week; I know nothing of weeks of the year. Come again after six days. You hear?" Dickens creates the house and Miss. Havisham as a unity. The condition and aspect of the house shows the gloom in her mind. The way the house is dark is just fuel for her desire to seek

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Problems in implementing a self-regulation system: the case of a young advertising industry Essay

Advertising can be both beneficial and harmful to the consumers. However, in the perspective of kids, they might think that advertising is good, essentially when they get into contact with something that entices them. Honestly, advertising is bad for kids. The primary objective of the advertisers is to market their products for people to buy. Besides, if we are happy with the way things are, then we develop less interest to buy. This is the secret of the advertisers; they subtly try to make the consumers unhappy so that the chances of buying advertised goods get facilitated. The advertisers develop mechanisms to persuade the consumers to buy the products. In many occasions, most of what the advertisers are selling are images or a lifestyle rather than the product itself. Average Americans gets exposed to 3, 000 advertisement per day, thus, by the time of graduation in high school, and they will have watched 350, 000 television commercials. In the bulletins of the commercials, the con sumers still have to go through the photo-shop besides putting ton makes ups from the advertisers. Therefore, it is an illusion of their real appearance. Advertisement is done on television, radios, internet, billboards, cellphones and magazines. As Higgins, (2008) put it, advertising is a legalized lying. This is standing the truth because some of the products advertised provide different information to the real product. For advertisement targeting at boys, they develop the notion that violence is the answer to making fun among them. However, for girls, they show that dolls and makeup is their interest. According to ZÃŒÅ'abkar & JancÃŒÅ'icÃŒÅ', (2004) as a young girl sees advertisement for makeups, the information derived is to advise them to try the product and that provides comfort for them at young age. Advertising makes kids lose their creativity and imagination. Hence, the more they get exposed to advertisements, the more they develop an addiction and instead of creating time to play and socialize with peers, they rather get glued inside watching television which is unhealthy. According to research evidence, 16 percent of the ki d are overweight and need to play because they are inactive. Televisions continually brainwash many kids with advertising.Advertising is an important institution because it provides the required information and knowledge about the products and services. However, ethical standards in advertisement must be observed. Many ethical concerns have been raised by myriad stakeholders in the company of advertising. Ethics, mostly referred to as the domain of inquiry is a discipline in which matters of wrong and right, virtue and vice, good and evil are systematically examined. Advertisement ethics examines advertising morality and advertising systematically. Advertising of toys, none violent games and sugar loaded focuses on the children who are the highest consumers in the market. Besides, decisions on advertisement are about making morally right decisions. The morality of advertisement includes all parts of sourcing of product quality and pricing. Scholars have viewed ethical behaviour in d issimilar ways; however, it is based on the experiences and personal values (Taylor, 2008). Ethical advertisement forms the marketing strategies of the company. However, it all counts on the company objectives and what they know is expected by the consumers in the product. Theoretical Approach to Ethics in Advertising             The publication of the affluent society provided influential and important critique of advertising. It argues that businesses concentrate on generating rather than focusing on consumer satisfaction. The approach claims that the company system has assumed sufficient power and size to render the consumer on making personal decision such as what and how much is produced. Ideally, this characterizes the revised sequence-a categorical denial of the accepted sequence of the independence of the consumer, which accords the economic system power to the individual. Besides, the modern industrialized countries had an effectively planned economy ruled by large corporations with minimal respect to the interests of the public. Galbraith also observed the massive expenditures for creating a huge scale. Elsewhere, in 1958, Packard’ populist work titled the hidden persuaders brought moral concerns about consumer manipulation.Besides, Bentham on his personal argument would o ppose advertisement. The utilitarianism theory, however do not offer a clear-cut opposition for advertisement. He asserts that he greatest happiness of the greatest number gets determined by the consulting the hedonic calculus. Therefore, it is of fair reasoning that the advertisement is bad for the kids. However, he argues that if greater happiness is achieved through advertisement, then there is no harm. But the consequence is what counts. Based on the utilitarianism advertisement is harmful to kids due to its unhealthy consequences. On the other hand, Kant would declare in no certain terms are advertisement beneficial for the kids. What is wrong is wrong†¦period. The theory argues that it is wrong because it translates to dishonesty. Advertisement on kids is cheating them and treating the kids as end agent. As Kant puts it, this violates the categorical imperative (Kopf, 2009). Besides, the advertising consequences are irrelevant in determining the ethical or unethical of th e advertisements. Dishonesty is dishonesty and advertisement to kids is immoral. The duty of an individual is to tell the truth, to be honest in the information given.Mumel, Pisnik, Horvat & Makovec, (2013) explain the Rand theory by noting that he would oppose advertisement since it compost of dishonesty, however not on deontological grounds. Besides, dishonesty is harmful since it has dire consequences on the lives of the consumers especially the kids. Providing false information in the advertisement is dishonesty because it is a pretense that the product is not what is advertised. Besides, refusal by the industry system to perceive the facts I like shutting the eyes of the consumers to reality. According to the theory, advertising is unethical because advertising to kids operates to destroy and negates the objective and necessary reason for promoting the consumer’s lives. Dishonesty denies the consumers the efficacy to make individual decisions thus depends on other people’s opinions. According to Rawls, he would conclude that advertisement is unjust, period. Advertisement is harmful since it violates the principle of equal liberty of minimal economic and social inequality. Therefore, according to Rawls, it is ethical to raise a person from poverty to security than to provide the individual with an equal amount of wealth or societal well-being. Ethics, he argues, requires financial gain sacrifices in order to hold justice for the consumers who are least advantaged. According to his theoretical work, he insists that what is wrong is wrong. It is wrong due to its dishonesty. Conversely, the advertisement industry is cheating the kids with their advertisements. Conclusion             Advertising is widely bombarded by critics. Besides, it is accused of promoting consumption and materialism, using sex cell, stereotyping, of causing people to buy the product they need, manipulating consumer behaviour or of taking advantage of children and overall it contributes to the downfall of the social system. The advertisement critics abound. Since hardly a week can go without some company or advertisement or the advertising industry being focal point of controversy. Even if the consumer argues it out that they hold the sovereignty of the economy, the industry of advertisement does not provide an ethical justification of the traditional marketing theory. The emergence of ethical concerns in organizations is a complex phenomenon that incorporates social interaction and individual interpretation. Theorizing about ethics needs to reflect and match the complexity References Higgins, N. (August 20, 2008). Advertising ethics. New Scientist, 199, 2670.)Kopf, D. A. (2009). Marketing, information and economic growth.Mumel, D., Pisnik, K. A., Horvat, M., & Makovec, N. (January 01, 2013). What are the characteristics of a good ad for children aged 9 to 12? Creator’s and parents perspective. Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies.Taylor, G. (August 20, 2008). Advertising ethics. New Scientist, 199, 2670.)ZÃŒÅ'abkar, V., & JancÃŒÅ'icÃŒÅ', Z. (January 01, 2004). Problems in implementing a self-regulation system: the case of a young advertising industry. Economic and Business Review, 6, 2.) Source document

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay

Anything people have made could be called technology, but usually people think of advances in using scientific knowledge and applying it to a practical use, like creating photovoltaic cells or wind turbines. Technology interested in examples of a specific technology in use, such as the â€Å"internet† or â€Å"Decision Support Systems†. Technology can solve most of our problems and everything which we are using in our live for example: radio, television, computers, internet, mobile phone, and†¦ These are called technology. We use technology in different places too for example: at home, in offices, business, shops, or so on. Different people give Different people will give it different meaning depending on their viewpoint and context. The role and impacts of technology in both our personal and lives are ever growing. Technology is about taking action to meet a human need rather than merely understanding the workings of the natural world. We can define Technology like this: A body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials; the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problems called Technology. Aim: In this study I am going to tell about the life of John: John is a engineer and he is 52 years old he has 22 years experience and he is a businessman and he use different technologies for his work and for his life he use the following technologies: – E – mail – Mobile Phone – Laptop Computer And also I am writing about the life of John which how does the technology affect on his life and how this technology change his life, because John said that 20 years ago I have not any Mobile Phone, e-mail address and Software, which I have now, and he said that since 5 years the technology has changed my life and I can not do my works without these technologies. E-mail – introduction: E-mail, short for electronic mail, is a system in which a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users using a communications network. To use e-mail, you must have access to a computer that is linked to the outside world, via a modem, phone line, or fiber optic cable (Ethernet). Sending e-mail is similar to sending postal mail, with some very important differences: 1. E-mail is thousands of times faster. A message can go from Illinois to Australia in seconds! 2. E-mail is free on campus-there is no â€Å"postage† cost to students. 3. E-mail is not as private as a regular letter. 4. E-mail does involve learning how to use computer programs. 5. Also, E-mail requires us to have a â€Å"sign-on† to the electronic mail system, and this usually involves having a password, too. 6. E-mail can be sent to many people at the same time, and you can participate in on-going discussions on many subjects at the same time. 7. E-mail can access information and file libraries, we’ll send a message and get a document or pictures back within minutes. 8. E-mail often contains typos and misspellings because it is so easy to produce and send. How/why he uses E-mail personally? John uses e-mail to send his report to the company that he is working for at the time and to send or receive photographs over the internet. Sending reports over the internet saves a lot of time and is an easier method of communicating than through the post. Before he got the internet he used the post to send the report to the company. He use the internet to inform his partners, and when he fine an offer he can send an e-mail to all of his colleague to inform those and some times he sent some maps of homes from his own e-mail to other colleague, and also he use e-mail to sent some photos and videos too, and he said: that I am not always use my e-mail to my own work I use my email for enjoying and sending messages for my Childs, wife, friends and to my families too. What is the advantages/disadvantage of e-mail? John said that E-mail Advertising, as effective as it is has both advantages and disadvantages. It is useful to be well aware of both sides of the coin as one embarks on the use of e-mail for their marketing and advertising, and he is also that the good news is that the advantages of e-mail advertising are numerous and far outweigh the few disadvantages. The advantages of e-mail which effect on his life these are in the following: 1. It’s faster. He received email almost immediately after it is send, usually within minutes. 2. It’s more conversational. Because of its immediacy, a whole series of e-mail messages maybe he exchanged within a very short time. As a result, email messages tend to be less formal and they are also usually shorter and more to the point. 3. Because e-mail is so new, he has no hard and fast rules about what may be said in a message. These rules are evolving because of his increased use of email, as well as the advent of new technology that continually affects how he applies it. And he also said that e-mail does not have just advantages it has disadvantages too, now I am writing about the disadvantages of e-mail which effect on John life: 1. As he has seen, one of the biggest disadvantages of email is the capability for misunderstanding. Email has some other disadvantages as well. It can be used to talk to more than one person at a time, but the means for doing so can be a bit cumbersome. At its core, email is a one to one communication medium. Email requires active participation, and he has to check his email to get messages. If he does not check his email, he will never know that somebody has contacted him. 2. Too much e-mail can lead to management problems with his in-box being overwhelmed by mail. 3. Due to its informal nature it is easy to his to ignore-unlike communication on the telephone or mail. Which things E-mail contain? * Inbox: An area in his mail memory that holds received messages that have not been read or processed. * Drafts: When he saved some documents in his e-mail address, the files and documents which he saved before he can find in Drafts. * Sent: The mails which he sent this sent item will tell him which files, letters, documents and images he sent. * Spam: Internet spam is one or more unsolicited messages, sent or posted as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantially identical content. * Trash: rubbish and worthless material that is to be disposed of. * Contacts: All his friends, families, workers and someone else that John knows them he can save all his e-mail address in contact and then can see their emails easily and early when he wants. * Calendar: We all know about meaning of Calendar, calendar is a system of organizing days for a socially, religious, commercially, or administratively useful purpose. * Notepad: Some important sentences that John want to save them Notepad is the place that he can save them all their. If John didn’t have E-mail, how would it affect his job? John said: if I didn’t have e-mail address then I would lose my business, because I have lots of workers in my business I can see every one and telling all of them about their jobs, so the easiest way for me is that I am sending all of them and receiving the responses of them, and also by using my mail I can sent some maps and places and directions for my workers, and I am informing them, also I am using my mails to sent and receives from my family, and friends too. Mobile Phone – Introduction: A Mobile Phone (also known as a Cellular Telephone) is defined as a ‘portable electronic device for the purpose of telecommunications over long distances’. Most current mobile phones actually connect to a cellular network of base stations (the cell sites themselves) which overlap to yield coverage and which also link to the standard landline public switched telephone network. It should be noted that mobile phones are distinct from household cordless telephones which generally operate only within range of a dedicated base station (though the distinction is blurring with mobile phones that can link via Bluetooth to a home internet base station). It should be noted, however, that the term mobile phone can refer to any type of mobile telephony device and also includes satellite phones and radio phones. Most phones has camera which we can take photos, and record some videos too. How/why he uses Mobile Phone? John use mobile phones to be connect with his family, children, and wife and with his friends. And he uses his mobile phone in office and to his business to inform his workers and to be in touch with the peoples which he works. He also uses mobile phone to send videos, photos, messages for every body which he wants. He uses different things that his mobile contain and the following things his mobile phones contain: Messages, Contact, Alarm, Calendar, Fun box, Reminder, Call register, Tones, Profiles, Calculator. He uses Messages to send document and messages for his family, friend, wife and sons. He uses Alarm to wake up morning early for his job. And the calendar which his Mobile Phone contain he known that what date is today and which day is today. And his mobile phone has reminder to remind him sometimes which he forgot some works. And some times the times which he filling board he is going to Games which it mobile has and Playing some games, and his mobile phone has internet too that he can go too internet and see his mails and another things which we can do it on internet and he said that I am glad and I am filling too good cause I can solve my lots of problems with using the mobile phone. What are advantages/disadvantages of mobile phone when he use? Advantages of using mobile phone: 1. He can take it with him whom he didn’t miss important calls. 2. He doesn’t have telemarketers bugging him at dinner time. 3. If he has car trouble or an accident he can call for emergencies. 4. He can take the pictures of accident or any things else by his mobile phones. 5. If he is finding for somewhere he can call for directions. 6. If he goes to store and wants to buy something he can use his mobile phone for more details or for more information. 7. He can use his mobile phone to see his mails and some sides. 8. With integrated phones and their features, making his life much easier no matter what kind a profession or age a person is. 9. Mobile phone doesn’t have to call, he uses his mobile phone for the following things too: camera, music player, features, emailing, document editor and so on. Disadvantage of using mobile phone: 1. John said: I had an accident, because when I was derived I talked with my wife. 2. Most of time he missed lots of important calls when he forgot his mobile somewhere. 3. His mobile phone need charges for using it, therefore this is very boring and sad for John to charge it every day. 4. When John has some meeting often his mobile phone disturbs him during his works. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John has got a new version of mobile phone called (Nokia N95), which is the most technically advanced smart phone ever! Complete with satellite navigation, a 5 mega pixel camera with auto focus, 3G video calling, with 8 GB chip, that his Nokia N95 contain. And the following things which his mobile phone includes they are most likely to fulfilling his personal needs. Some times John is recording with his phone everywhere and anything which he wants and can get images too. The Nokia N95 has almost everything else he could use them to fulfilling his needs: * Music Player with support for all common music formats. * A stereo FM radio. * Integrated hands free speaker. * Speaker independent voice dialing. * Talking ring tones. * HSDPA (the fast data transfer technology dubbed â€Å"3.5G†). How good is it at fulfilling his social needs? John use his mobile phone to be always in touch with his friends, workers, families, and businessmen and another ways to develop social and communication called text which he uses most of times. Texting is particularly important in maintaining contact with a wide social network – allows him to maintain social bonds even when he do not have the time, energy, inclination or budget for calls or visits. Texting re-creates the brief, frequent, spontaneous ‘connections’ with members of our social network that characterized the small communities of pre – industrial times. And also John hasn’t always thinks about himself but he is helping people too and sometimes he teach some students in universities too for helping and some people calling him to solve their problems, and this is the easiest way for him to talk with lots of people without meets them. One of the most dangerous of mobile phone is that when he is driving some times he picked up phone and it can cause accident which he did before. How does John use mobile phone at work? Often John uses his mobile phone to be in touch with his family, friends he is not using his mobile phone at office, but he has an office phone which is called handheld mobile phone. And handheld mobile phone is working same like mobile phone but it doesn’t need any chip just he connected his handheld mobile phone on socket which needs electricity and he has three of these. And this handheld mobile phone is cheaper than mobile phone when he called somewhere and John is saying that he made me too much busy therefore I can’t do my works clearly and with good mind. He is using his mobile phone at office too, because some times handheld mobile phone is busy, then he uses he mobile phone he wants, and this is the biggest advantages of mobile phone. John said: when I have bought mobile phone I filled too much comfortable, and my business also day by day increasing and I have got too much money. Laptop Computer – Introduction: I am writing a brief introduction about laptop computer and the kind of things which most of laptop computer (note books) contain: A laptop is a portable personal computer that is of a size that it can sit on our lap. Or we can define it like this: Laptop (or notebook PC) is a portable computer that can be battery or mains powered. They provide flexibility beyond the standard PC but often at a significant price premium. Laptop and desktop have big different and both of them are mixture words. Laptop means we sit it on our lap, and desktop means we sit it on desk. Laptop contains the following major features: * Keyboard: Keyboard layout is often sacrificed. The home, End, Page- Up and Page Down keys may not be dedicated, requiring that we hold down the Fn key at the same time. This can be very cumbersome if we use these keys a lot. Function keys and cursor keys are often made smaller, and one keyboard feels better than another. * Screen Resolution: Today, laptops use high-quality active matrix LCD screens. However, the built-in display system also feeds an external monitor for desktop use or a data projector. * External Display & keyboard Connectors: Connect a full-size CRT and keyboard for home/office. Even if we like our laptop keyboard, we may want to use an external one with our external monitor, so that both units are positioned comfortably. A full-size keyboard can be connected through the external keyboard port or USB port. * Built-in Pointing Device: Either a touchpad or pointing stick is built into the laptop. There are differences. A regular mouse is always an option and connects via the mouse port or USB port. * Expansion: Expansion is a little more critical with laptops than with desktops that have extra bus slots and drive bays. However, nowadays laptops all have PC Card (PCMCIA) slots and USB ports, making them very flexible. * Batteries: Lithium ion batteries do not suffer from the â€Å"memory- effect† of older nickel cadmium, and to a slightly lesser extent, nickel metal hydride. * Multimedia: All laptops today have built-in speakers and generally include an optical drive (CD-RW, DVD-ROM or DVD-RW). DVD drives typically support all CD read and write modes as well. A removable drive offers more flexibility for upgrading later. * Weight: Seven pounds does not sound like much until we lug it around all day. To reduce poundage. Sub notebooks use external floppy. CD and DVD drives. One of the first time laptop in 1983, Tandy’s Radio Shack division launched the Model 100 micro Executive Workstation. It weighed only four pounds and included a built-in word processor, name and address list and modem. The Model 100 was inspiration for the huge portable market that followed. Laptop computers generally cost more than desktop computers with the same capabilities because they are more difficult to design and manufacture. A laptop can effectively be turned into a desktop computer with a docking station, a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral input/output devices such as a printer or larger monitor. Laptop usually comes with displays that use thin-screen technology. The thin film transistor or active matrix screen is brighter and views better at different angles than the STN or dual-scan screen. Laptops use several different approaches for integrating a mouse into the keyboard, including the touch pad, the trackball, and the pointing stick. A serial port also allows a regular mouse is attached. The PC Card is insertable hardware for adding a modem or network interface card to a laptop. CD-ROM and digital versatile disc drives may be built-in or attachable. How/why he uses laptop computer personally? After all, today’s laptops have just as much computing power as desktops, without taking up as much space. He can take a laptop on the road with him to do his computing or make presentations. Perhaps he prefers comfortably working on his couch in front of the TV instead of sitting at a desk. A laptop is a full-blown, genuine computer that can do anything a desktop computer can do. John can do programming, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, accounting and multimedia presentations. The portability of laptops allows him to do many things that he cannot do with a desktop. He can write his sales proposal, article or business presentation while traveling on a plane or commuting on the bus or train or subway. What is Laptop computer’s memory? Laptops have memory, both RAM and ROM, just like desktops. The laptop’s ROM chip contains the BIOS just as it does in a desktop computer. RAM stores the application software and data files while the computer is on. RAM differs on a laptop in that it uses a different form facto – that is, the size and shape of the modules that carry the RAM. Manufacturers have to build laptops to be portable (smaller) and to withstand more jostling (durable) than a desktop would ever get, so the memory modules have to be different. While some laptops use a standard Small Outland Dual Inline Memory Module (SODIMM), others use the manufacturer’s proprietary memory modules. Most laptops should have at least 64 MB of RAM to have sufficient memory to run operating systems and applications software. Also, some laptops allow him to upgrade the memory of his computer and come equipped with convenient access panels to plug in additional memory chips. What is Laptop computer’s Disk Drives? Like desktop, laptops have various disk drive storage devices. All laptops have an internal hard disk drive, usually 6 to 20 gigabytes (GB). The hard disk drive stores operating systems, application programs and data files. Although the hard disk drive works the same in a laptop as it does in a desktop, laptops generally have less disk space than desktops and he will have fewer choices for hard disk drives in laptop. The smaller hard disk space is one of the chief limitations of laptops. What are the advantages of laptop when john uses? John think when one thinks of laptops there are a few immediate advantages that come to mind. From John readings and personal experience these revolve around some of the following points: * The flexibility and mobility of laptops increases access time. * They tend to be lightweight-thus mobile. * Can easily be moved around the classroom. * Give you the option of being wireless. * Being able to have them in class away from a lab setting – time management factor * Portable on field trips. * One can get instant access to information (wireless or internet connected laptops) * Access in class to multiple online resources, search engines, encyclopedias and discussion groups * Participate in virtual communities. * Ability to communicate and research at multiple levels. * Digital brainstorming, outlining and presentations can be generated within classroom walls. * Note taking, webbing which then can be shared immediately. * ; Data processing, analysis; incorporating online databases and spreadsheets. * Student with data processing can immediately check their results and develop immediate in class analysis. * It works 2 – 3 hours without any electricity. * It is small and has low density and can everybody bring whit themselves. * Greater ability to share, communicate and access students files or vice versa teacher assignments. * Ability to display and demonstrate leaning using a TV monitor or projector in office, or class accessing. * And our laptops have games too, which in bored time we can play their. What are the Disadvantages of laptop? * Laptops are more expensive * Slower than a desktop * Difficult to upgrade or repair * John has to lug it around all day * Much easier to drop or break * It can be easily stolen * If he speed his type the laptop will probably rock on his laptop with his typing which can become quite uncomfortable. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John recommends that laptop users carry out prolonged task with their machine set up on a desk, with an external keyboard a mouse attached. This allows them to adopt a much safer posture, rather than the position a laptop forces them into. John said: having a laptop means that I can work just about anywhere, and he also said: â€Å"If I go away for the weekend, I can take my work with me, and even do some of it on the train.† He uses his laptop computer to see connect it with TV and see some movies, songs, BBC and so on. What is John opinion about laptop using? John said: The use of laptop or notebook computer is widespread and many people use them regularly as part of the work process. Where a laptop is used regularly by people as a significant part of their day-to- day work, then these regulations will apply. In many cases employers will use the â€Å"one-hour† rule i.e. if a laptop is used continually for one hour or more than the employee will be classified as a user. There are three main categories of risk associated with laptop use: 1. Equipment design 2. The environment that they are to be used in. 3. Physical demands upon the use.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

American Civil War and Union Army Essay

American Civil War and Union Army Essay American Civil War and Union Army Essay The Battle of Gettysburg First things first, the Battle of Gettysburg was the SECOND invasion of the North. And it only happened because General Lee forced General Hooker to retreat at the battle of Chancellorsville, and it made him think he could divide Pennsylvania and split the Union in two. In a way, he didn’t get his way. The battle began on July 1, 1862. Confederate troops were on the search for shoes and were met by Union troops in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. By the end of the first day of battle, 45,000 troops were engaged in battle and the Union troops were able to create and maintain defensive lines along Cemetery Ridge and hills known as Little Round Top and Big Round Top. F.Y.I: GENERAL MEADE WAS IN CHARGE OF THE UNION ARMY AT THIS TIME. HE WAS ALSO A LITTLE BABY, MEANING HE NEVER â€Å"WENT ON THE OFFENSIVE.† Little Round Top: The Ticking Clock Maneuver July 2, 1862 Colonel Chamberlain was in charge of protecting a hill known as Little Round Top. He ordered his men to move the cannons onto the hillside. He then split up the troops he had into groups. A regiment behind him, battalion to the right, and a brigade to the left. (For those who don’t know how many soldiers are in a Regiment, there are 1,ooo. There are 2 Regiments in a Brigade. There are anywhere from 300 to 1,200 men in a Battalion.) The Rebels attacked repeatedly and left the Union soldiers tired and gravely injured if they didn’t end up dying on the battle field. Even though the Union forces were spread thin, Colonel Chamberlain managed to defend Little Round Top using a maneuver where his troops â€Å"went on the offensive.† (This was after a couple of days of watching his men die so he decided that they would run towards the Rebels and see what would happen†¦. Brilliant strategy isn’t it?) They shot the Rebels from the top of the hill day one and two of the battle and nearing the end, his troops ran screaming down the hill towards the Rebels and killed those who didn’t retreat in time. This was one of the few times the Union army â€Å"went on the offense.† Cemetery Ridge: Pickett's Charge Maneuver July 3, 1862 Lieutenant General Longstreet was in charge of breaking up General Meade’s forces. First things first, General Longstreet did not want to make this charge. Whenever General Longstreet was asked whether or not he wanted his men to charge, he answered with a nod because it was what General Lee told him to do. (And one does not go against the General’s orders!) When his men charged forward, there was no real plan. They were not as organized as the Union army, but they always won the battles because they were much better shots than those city boys (Union soldiers). So they marched forward into the Union’s cannon range and knew that they would die. They fought for a cause that they truly believed in. Even though the Union forces were much bigger than the Rebels’, the Rebels never stopped coming forward. The Outcome: Devastation and Death For BOTH Sides This was the bloodiest battle of the civil war. About 93,000 Union soldiers were alive and on their way or at Gettysburg on July 1, 1862. Around 3,000 were killed, 14,000 (at least) were wounded, and 5,000 were missing or captured. About 71,000 Rebel soldiers were alive on their search for shoes in Pennsylvania on July 1, 1862. Around 4,000 were killed, 19,000 (at least) were wounded, and 5,000 were missing or captured. One thing that everyone forgot, was the fact that the battle site, where everyone was burying the fallen soldiers, belonged to farmers. So the United States bought the land and turned it into an official cemetery. The Gettysburg Address On November 19, 1863 a â€Å"dedication ceremony† took place at Gettysburg (which hereafter none to be Gettysburg Cemetery). Edward Everett was the main speaker and he spoke for TWO HOURS. He was a well renowned speaker and politician. Because of this, it made him the obvious choice to speak at the ceremony. A couple days in advance, the people planning the ceremony

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bettys Summer Vacation Details and Summary

Bettys Summer Vacation Details and Summary Christopher Durangs plays are well-known for addressing taboo content in a biting and humorous manner.  Betty’s Summer Vacation, with its  talk of incest, murder, mutilation, rape, â€Å"three ways,† exposing/flashing, and more, is no exception. Durang notes that his sometimes irreverent manner in dealing with these sensitive topics is meant to reveal to an audience just how far news and entertainment have gone in desensitizing people towards topics that should produce feelings of horror and revulsion, but which are now are glossed over alongside stories of the latest Hollywood scandals. He likens modern audiences to those in Ancient Rome who found entertainment in gladiator battles and sending Christians to fight lions. He writes: â€Å"But I’ve not written a documentary, I’ve written a play; and it’s a farcical play as well, in which we are not meant to EMPATHIZE with the characters the way one is meant to empathize with Blanche DuBois or Willy Loman; it’s more like following the stories of Candide and Cunnegonde in Candide, or the characters in a Joe Orton farce, or even the characters in a 1930s screwball comedy (though admittedly a dark one).† It may be jarring to read or experience a Durang play if you are unprepared for his style. But, Durang aims for â€Å"healing laughter† that comes from serious events that are now distant enough from an audience that when described in a particular manner can be found humorous. Plot Synopsis Betty is on summer vacation in a shared rental property with her friend Trudy, Trudy’s mother Mrs. Siezmagraff, Keith, and Buck. Trudy is a talkative young woman who grates on Betty’s nerves. Buck is an over-sexed lout and Keith just might be a serial killer with a head in a hatbox. Mrs. Siezmagraff is a codependent, Auntie Mame-ish wild woman.  She invites a homeless man, Mr. Vanislaw, to come over for the night as her date. Mr.Vanislaw is wearing a trench coat and sneakers and he flashes everyone in the house and alludes to his penis every chance he gets. Trudy and Betty beg Mrs. Siezmagraff to keep Mr. Vanislaw under control, but she refuses to acknowledge his lewd behavior just as she refused to acknowledge that her late husband molested Trudy. After a night of charades, Mrs. Siezmagraff and Mr. Vanislaw go out drinking. Mrs. Siezmagraff passes out on the floor and Mr. Vanislaw, mad that his date is no longer able to perform, goes in search of Trudy and rapes her. Afterwards Trudy is furious with her mother for allowing the man into their house and demands that she do something, but Mrs. Siezmagraff turns a blind eye and says, â€Å"Every time I get a husband or a boyfriend, Trudy’s always after them.† Trudy is enraged and grabs a kitchen knife and cuts off Mr. Vanislaw’s penis. Keith then cuts off his head. During these events there is canned laughter, similar to that of a laugh track, coming from the ceiling. At first it is sporadic and confusing to the characters, but eventually they become accustomed to the laughter and question why some line or action might get a laugh while others do not. Then the Voices in the ceiling start talking back to the characters and making requests. Those requests soon turn into demands. When Mrs. Siezmagraff calls 911 and the dispatcher tells her to bring Keith and Trudy to the police station, and Betty goes for a walk, and Buck leaves to find the towns’ easy widow, and there is no one left for the Voices to watch, they get frustrated and angry and crash through the ceiling and into the setting of the play. They are a three-headed monster of sorts. They have three different personalities, but share a connected body bound with wires and tubing. The Voices demand that Betty and the rest of the residents at the summer share put on a courtroom drama to entertain them. After an Oscar worthy performance by Mrs. Siezmagraff in which she plays defense attorney, abusive mother, and long lost Irish maid, The Voices pronounce Keith and Trudy innocent of all charges. However, The Voices won’t stop there. They want violence and more violence. They want Keith to cut off more heads and Trudy to cut off more penises. When Buck comes home, this is just what Keith and Trudy do, all the while bonding nicely over the gruesome experience. The Voices want more. They want Keith to blow up the house. Betty begs to escape and manages to run as Keith turns on the gas stove and pulls out a match. Production Details Setting: A nice seaside summer community - maybe somewhere on the New Jersey shore. Not a trendy, chic location. Time: Summer Cast Size: This play can accommodate 9 actors. Male Characters: 5 Female Characters: 4 Characters that could be played by either males or females: 0 Roles Betty is a reasonable young woman. She is the most normal of the group of characters assembled at the summer share. She feels pressured by her job and her mother and is looking for a relaxing vacation at the beach. Trudy uses words as medication. She speaks long and incessantly about anything and everything. She is not used to being listened to and is surprised when Betty or The Voices acknowledge her. She is desperate for attention. Keith is a quiet young man who is looking to be left alone. He had a troubled childhood similar to Trudy’s and learned to cope by cutting off people’s heads. Buck is a â€Å"lout-hunk.† He is sexist in a naà ¯ve way. He believes that all women want to be with him just as he wants to be with them. He prefers to get off about 20 times a day and feels in pain if he falls short of this number. Mrs. Siezmagraff is a grand old woman. She lives life in a large way with self-inflicted blinders. She refuses to see herself or her daughter as a victim, instead choosing to view Trudy as competition for the love/lust of despicable men. Mr. Vanislaw is a derelict who gets his jollies by exposing himself to women as often as possible. He is uncomplicated and unapologetic in his wants and desires. The Group of Voices are comprised of two men and one woman. They are a cross section of demographics that TV stations poll to see what America finds entertaining. Production/Character Notes In the script provided by Dramatists Play Service, Inc, Christopher Durang has notes for potential directors, actors, and producers. He writes about tone, character choices, the use of blood and much more. Any theatre or company looking to produce Betty’s Summer Vacation would find it useful to read and study these notes. Content Issues: Language, murder, violence, rape, incest, sex

Sunday, November 3, 2019

International financial markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International financial markets - Essay Example Meanwhile, the mispriced item will have appreciated at a rate higher than that of the portfolio. The arbitrageur could thus short sell the portfolio at the present price and use the amount obtained to purchase the mispriced item. At the end of the period, the arbitrageur will sell the mispriced item, purchase back the portfolio, and then keep the difference as his profit. In this context, the arbitrageur utilizes the interest rates difference between two countries to make risk free profit. By the use of a forward contract to eliminate the threat of exchange rates, the arbitrageur makes profit from the fact that interest rates difference does not always hold(TEALL,2013). According to economists, factors such as fluctuating frequencies of time series data and diverse aspects of assets contribute to changes in interest rates. An example of an investor exploiting such an arbitrage opportunity due to pricing forwards; The investor borrows 800,000 of currency Y @ 2% per annum. This implies that that by the end of year, he will be required to pay 816,000. Currency X offers a higher one-year interest and therefore the investor converts the 800,000 currency Y to X at a spot rate of 1.00. The investors lock in the 4% rate on the deposit of the 800,000X and concurrently enters into a forward contract which, converts the full maturity amount of the deposit,(832,000X) into currency Y at the one-year forward at a rate of Y=1.0125X. After one year, the investor settles the forward contract at the agreed rate (1.0125). The investor remains with 821,728Y and after repaying his 816,000Y loan, he remains with 5728Y as his profit. There may be various arbitrage opportunities according to the binomial pricing model. For instance, a situation where stock price is (ST )at time (T)and there are only two time periods; (T= 0 and T = 1). Starting stock